
The Internet these days has become a way of life and people rely so much on it for their daily needs. Businesses have also started depending a lot on the Internet as the marketing of their products has become simpler while they choose to use the Internet for the same. It is impossible for anyone not to have heard of Google if they are users of the Internet. That is how big the term Google has become these days.

Google has significantly affected how the Internet works since the time it was first launched. Since its launch in the year 1997, the search engine has made tremendous strides on the Internet, changing the entire complexion of how e-commerce is seen throughout the world.

It is also safe to say that Google remains to be the top search engine in the entire world ever since it was first introduced on the Internet. There are about 4.5 billion-plus active users who use Google every month for various reasons, including searching for information or the products that they require.

This means it covers a large percentage of users who search for information, products or other things on this search engine on the Internet. It is estimated that Google also holds over 60% of the search queries that are made on the web globally.

The next two top-ranked search engines are MSN and Yahoo in the 2nd and 3rd place, respectively. It is one reason that the changes Google has a tremendous impact on the internet and businesses which use the internet as a platform to sell their services or goods. Users of search engines depend on Google to give them quality results which they can relate to the query that they input.

This requires Google to constantly make changes with how they operate and also make significant changes to their algorithms and so on. It would require any business which is on the internet to have a close tab on the changes made by Google to ensure they are up to date with changes that are made. This ensures that they do not lag in their marketing and ranking efforts with Google.

Google has recently refined the Nofollow links. Upon redefining the same two new attributes are added as well. Although Google does not consider it to have a significant impact on SEO other internet experts think it might have an impact larger than most predict.

The most common theory is that these changes would have an impact on the SEO (search engine optimization) industry. Even if there are no changes that may affect you, your website or your business it is always better to keep track of these changes made by Google. Tracking these changes and having your knowledge up to date is never a wrong thing as far as the e-commerce industry goes.

What is Search Engine Optimization with Google?

There are many marketing efforts that a business can take up in a bid to have their products sold on the Internet. Although there are various methods by which you can promote your product, it can be noticed that SEO efforts have a major impact when compared to other efforts. Search engine optimization, which is commonly called and known as SEO, is one of how a website can be ranked on the search engine Google.

There are said to be various factors that affect the overall ranking of a specific website. Among these factors, the SEO remains to be at the top, which is one of the reasons many people choose to use companies that offer SEO services for websites. If you choose to use the services of these companies, they can have your website linked among the top of search results on Google with your targeted keywords.

Although it may sound easy, there are other things that go on behind the screen which you may not know of. These things are certainly complex to understand but essential at the same time for different purposes. A person having significant technical knowledge would understand these things easier than the layman.

Since Google is the top-ranked search engine, each website that is on the web chooses to be among the top of the search results with this search engine. They make this possible with careful use of techniques that have evolved around search engine optimization. A website is ideally optimized by having suitable keywords that would attract traffic towards it.

Some pictures and videos are uploaded on to the website to gain more ranking points on Google. Apart from this, there is the factor of adding and ensuring that unnecessary content is removed from a website. These things affect how the website is ultimately ranked on Google. The companies offering SEO based services usually take care of this as they have a good understanding of how the websites are ranked on Google.

Recent Changes That are Done with the Google Search Engine

Often you can see Google come up with many changes to its search engine and how it works. The best part about this is that they make people aware of the changes made with Google. Thus, it gives them the time and opportunity to be able to make the necessary changes to their website. It also allows them enough time to change their approach to marketing strategies. Only if you make these changes, you can survive and continue to rank on top of Google search results.

In case you do not notice these changes and act accordingly, then your website would fall behind your competitors and not be visible in the first few pages that Google brings up for each search query. An SEO company in Singapore is known for staying ahead of the market when it comes to applying the necessary changes to their marketing intent. This provides them with the right type of opportunity to stay atop of listings on Google.

The recent changes that are made to Google would include it treating nofollow link attribute as a hint. It is said that it may affect the SEO industry to an extent by these changes. The other changes include Google adding two new link attributes. The first one would be for sponsored links and the second for UGC (user-generated content) links.

They say these recent changes may affect the results which show up for each keyword query that you input. So, website that was ranked on the first page of Google results may not continue to rank on it it makes unless further development to its strategy.

How Recent Changes in Nofollow Link in Google Affect SEO?

Despite opinions from Google that suggest that SEO would not be majorly affected there are a few experts who think otherwise. Since SEO plays a major part in the revenue generation for many companies that offer SEO services, they have reasons to be worried. Google is also said to have a good part of its revenue coming directly or indirectly by way of SEO.

This suggests that there might not be many adversely negative factors affecting how SEO had previously worked. However, companies that offer SEO related services must make a significant note of the changes that Google has incorporated. The nofollow link would now be seen as a hint after these changes have taken effect.

Earlier, with Google, the Nofollow link was considered a directive that was used for ranking purposes for a website. Also, now Google considers that it is just about the time that Nofollow links start to evolve. It is also said that UGC and Nofollow links do not require any changes as of today.

Danny Sullivan from Google’s search liaison has also stated that they would force no one to follow the new attributes which come with Nofollow links. However, most people belonging to the SEO industry are not taking these changes lightly. They think there have to be changes done to the way they have designed the SEO to work.

Some companies have already started making changes in their SEO efforts. They think if it does not make considerable changes towards on-page SEO, link spam, content marketing, and link building then it may have a significant impact on how their page ranks on the search engine.

Action Required from Website Owners Regarding Changes

Although Google has come out stating that there might not be significant changes in how a page ranks, it is important as a business owner for you to be concerned. For that matter, any business owner who has an e-commerce presence on the Internet would have reasons to be worried.

If you are not taking these changes made by Google into consideration for your marketing efforts, then there are chances that you might be in trouble with the ranking of your website. So, it may be ideal for you to talk with your SEO Singapore company, which manages services regarding SEO.

Once you talk with technicians and executives about these changes on Google and what changes it requires on your website, you would have a better idea to combat these changes made by Google. By doing this, you are further enhancing your chances of staying on top of the search results on Google which is relevant to your website and the keywords present in it.

The company that provides services on SEO would certainly be aware of the changes and suggest if there are changes required. Based on their suggestions, you can work closely with them and infuse these changes on your website and the links on your website. These potential changes should make sure that the changes made by Google should not affect you negatively. In the meantime, you may also consider going through the Internet to better understand how Nofollow links work.

This would ensure that your knowledge with the changes is not outdated and are up to the mark. Only if you are up to date with the current happenings with the industry you would be able to comprehend what your SEO provider talks. Or else you would be all at sea when they talk about the changes and the impact that it may have on your website and your business.

Other Optimization Factors that You can Consider for Your Website

Commonly SEO was based on factors that make the website stand out among its competitors when searching on specific keywords on Google and other prominent search engines. This included adding specific videos that were relevant to the products and services that you have to offer as a business.

There was also a need to have pictures of the same uploaded on to the website to have a significant impact on SEO. Backlinks, content and other sponsored links on the website also had an impact on how SEO worked. There were also other factors like loading of the website faster on mobiles and handheld devices which played a role in SEO.

The experts on search engine optimization suggest that it would remain the same way as before. However, there would be a little tweaking required in terms of using HTTPS (secured) links on the website. This may have a significant impact on the ranking factor which you should be aware of going further. With your SEO services in Singapore, you should be able to take care of these things quite easily.

By way of doing this, you can ensure and be assured that you would not miss out on the ranking factor by any means on Google. Any business in Singapore would require their website to be marked and ranked on the first page of Google and top of the search results as well. They have continuously worked hard towards achieving that and would not like to give up on what they have achieved until now. This is why significant importance has to be given to changes made on Google and how their algorithms work.

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